Monday, February 9, 2009

What we're thinking about today...

Not great color, I know... but here we all are.  One happy family!  Matt is working as a flight instructor, I'm teaching horn lessons (of course!), and the kids:
Lily, or "chunk-chunk", as Matt calls her, is SO dang cute.  I could kiss those cheeks ALL DAY LONG.  She's just starting to walk a bit; Grandpa Dave says that's his goal this week - to get her to walk more than 2 steps at a time.
Kelsey  and her namesake, Kelsey.  We have to call them Kelsey Anne and College Kelsey when they're together. ;)  Kelsey (Anne) is as normal a kid as they get; she's crazy, silly, and loves to be doing something ALL the time.  
Jason just looked cute on his way out to Preschool today; thought I'd snap a quick shot.  He's really into his DS right now, as well as his Wii.   He's been really good at learning to be obedient this month.  Luckily, we have the DS to use to our advantage: "If you get dressed, you can play your DS for 5 minutes..."  Miraculous!


  1. yea!!! You are officially blogging! bwaa ha ha ha ha ha, its an addiction. Worse than Facebook I think. Its fun, and fun for the rest of us to keep up on your family! Cute pictures. We miss you guys!

  2. Love the blog. Love the babies. Love the lady. Love, Mom

  3. I love the DS and Wii too, just for the reason that it is something Andrew really values that I can take away or threaten to take away. It gets things done rather quickly around here. :o)

    Cute Family pic!!
